Modern and Ancient Silk Road in China

Modern and Ancient Silk Road in China
2016-09-29 | author : giser

category : ISSUES

The Ancient Silk Road

The famous Silk Road crossed from China to Asia, Africa and Europe as the main vehicle of trade, commerce and communication for 1,000 years even beyond the Christian era. This famous Silk Road became the main tool to exchange cultural, political, military, economic, religious, and artistic values among Asian and European countries. It was a two route way, one from China to Europe via Central Asia through land and the other was an important maritime route from China to Middle East and Egypt through Sri Lanka, Thailand India, Malacca, etc. The name of the route became highly famous as Silk Road since China’s main product of export was silk. All neighbouring nations around the Silk Route were fortunate to have strengthened their political, social and economic relationship among them. The role played by China was so constructive and advantageous since the route originated from China. The Silk Road became so important internationally that diplomats, navigators, travellers and traders et al used it for their business and political objectives.

The New Silk Road

Chinese President Xi Jinping launched the concept of New Silk Road with the objective to rebuild and strengthen China’s relationship with countries situated across the ancient Silk Road and to share the benefits of the new concept with these countries. This relationship covers wider area such as economic, trade, political and social, etc., complied with modern scenario. The Chinese 21st Century Silk Road concept was introduced to the world in the mid part of 2013. This new Silk Road concept was initiated into two ways as per the routes spread on the ancient Silk Road. The first one was the initiatives under the name of Silk Road Economic Belt concept which applied to the route spread through land from China to Europe via Central Asia. The first time this Silk Road Economic Belt was introduced during the visit of Chinese President to Kazakhstan in 2013. In his speech delivered by Chinese President at the University of Nazarbayev announced the concept of Silk Road Economic Belt and its importance to enhance the relationship with Central Asia. The President of Kazakhstan expressed his support for the implementation of Silk Road Economic Belt. The second one was the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road concept introduced for the maritime route which spread the sea routes of the ancient Maritime Silk Road. The idea of establishment of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road was initially announced by the Chinese President Xi Jinping in his speech delivered to the Indonesian Parliament on 2 October 2013 during his visit to Indonesia. Later the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the 6th China ASEAN Summit announced the importance of the revival of Silk Road to adopt for the needs and wants of the modern world and sought the ASEAN support for the implementation of New Silk Road Concept. The reason behind was most of the area of Maritime Silk Route is covered in ASEAN region and nearly $ 100 billion investment and $ 400 billion trade generated with China, as a powerful international organisation.

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